Mrs Sherratt and Mrs. Sloan
Welcome to Year 5!
PE: Year 5 PE lessons will take place on Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon in the Autumn Term. The children will come to school wearing their PE kit on this day. The PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers with no logo. Please ensure your child has the appropriate PE uniform and that it is labelled. Children should not wear earrings/jewellery on a PE day. Please ensure your child wears school jumper/cardigan on a PE day over their PE kit.
Homework: Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. Children will have a homework book to complete the work in. Spellings will be set via SpellingShed and sent home to practise.
Reading: Children are expected to read at home every day. Reading diaries will be checked in school every week.
Curriculum: This year we will be looking at lots of interesting books in English including How to train your dragon, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Beowulf. In History, we’ll be studying the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Inuit people and Ancient Greece. Geography of the UK, North America and Greece will also be covered.
Water Bottles: Water Bottles are provided for each child and filled regularly with fresh water.
Medical Concerns: If your child requires an inhaler or other medication please ensure a medical form has been completed and all medication is in date.
Uniform: Please ensure all uniform (including ties) are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children should wear correct uniform including their tie to school every day unless they have PE.
ClassDojo: Year 5 will be using ClassDojo as a reward system (house points), to keep you informed of homework, and to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to message me with any concerns or questions. I will reply as soon as possible.
For tips on reading with your child, click here
To view our maths learning overview, please click here
The instant recalling of key facts in mathematics is important and is an area we focus on in school. Here are the key instant recall facts for year 5 to practise at home.
Curriculum Map
Remote Learning
If your child has Special Educational Needs, please follow the links below for your child’s home learning projects