At Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School, we believe that mathematics is essential for everyday life. Our aim is for our pupils to have a strong understanding of maths, being fluent in their abilities. We want them to enjoy maths and be confident mathematicians.
Fluency is a key element to maths at OLA. Good fluency helps pupils to make better progress in their maths lessons every day, by freeing up their working memory. Quick recall of facts is associated with better attainment in mathematics. We believe in regular retrieval of previous learning, to ensure that the learning sticks.
- As soon as we enter school, our morning activities are fluency and retrieval based, ensuring we are practising key mathematical skills every day.
- We begin every lesson with key facts.
- We encourage our families to practise at home. We use Times Table Rockstars and 1-minute-maths to encourage our quick recall of facts!
- In KS1 we follow the Mastering Number program.
Click below to see the facts to be learnt in your child’s year group:
Power Maths
Our Lady of the Assumption School teaches Maths through the whole-class mastery programme Power Maths. The principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as sparking curiosity and excitement, building life-long confident mathematicians.
During our daily lessons, we encourage children to demonstrate their understanding using a range of visual and written strategies to ensure a rich depth of understanding.
The Power Maths approach uses concrete objects to test mathematic concepts and build a clearer understanding of abstract ideas. Key concepts are introduced using a range of resources, giving children the chance to see a problem and using manipulatives to build an understanding and make links across their learning. Alongside this, we encourage children to draw pictorial versions and build links to the abstract.

This is an example of what our textbooks look like:

Our practice books are where we practise our learning each day:

Click below to see what is taught in more detail:
Reception overview of progression
Calculation Policy
In line with our mastery style approach to teaching, and the 2014 curriculum, we have revised our calculation route-ways and planning to support. You can find our new Calculation Policy here:
Year group overviews
On each class page, you can find each year group overview. This will show you what the children are learning in chronological order. It displays the concrete and pictorial ways we use to help children’s understanding.