Our Mission Statement:
‘Love One Another As I Have Loved You’ (John 13:34)
Our Vision
As a Catholic school that puts Christ at the centre, we are committed to encouraging everyone to ‘Be the Best They Can Be’
Our Values
- We value each child as unique.
- We value our Catholic faith.
- We value a sense of pride in belonging to Our Lady’s.
- We value the school ethos of love and respect.
- We value strong partnerships between home, school, parish and the local community.
- We value high standards of behaviour, modelling kindness, honesty, trust and fairness to others.
- We value the British Values of democracy; rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
Our Aims
- To provide a stable, safe and loving environment, where all can work co-operatively and develop independence.
- To educate all within our school about the teachings of the Catholic Church encouraging them to take an active part in the religious life of the school, parish and wider community.
- To develop each child’s gifts and talents so that they can go onto reach their full potential.
- To be a school where everyone feels welcome and valued.
- To teach the children to respect themselves and others.
- To support the children to become responsible, caring members of the school and wider community.
- To adopt a Thrive approach which promotes and supports the physical, mental health and well-being of all within our school.
- To offer a rich, relevant and creative curriculum which reflects our local environment, equipping our children with the skills they need for the next stage in their education.
- To make special, long- lasting, happy memories for all.